LEGAL MENTIONS is the official website of L'Auberge du Moulin.

L'Auberge du Moulin
La Plaine, 05 230 MONTGARDIN, France
Phone : +33 (0)4 92 52 50 32 98

L'Auberge du Moulin is the holder of the domain :, along with the various graphical representations, which are registered trademarks, exclusive from the inn.

The website has been designed by :
Camille MONCHICOURT - Pre Lacour - 04200 THEZE
Phone : +33 (0)6 16 72 06 59 - Website :

Photos credits
L'Auberge du Moulin | Bertrand Bodin

More informations in the french version.

Legal mentions | Credits | Links
Realisation : Camille Monchicourt